Spring 2003 CSCI 5011-201, Test 2 Study Guide

The table below lists the topics that will be covered on Test 2 (March 24, 2003). Included for each topic is the reading (textbook or web-based) for that topic. This test will involve more discussion questions as the majority of the material involved page design concepts and

Topic Assigned Reading
Tables -- Understand their creation and how to debug them. This includes the tags <table>, <td>, and <tr> along with their attributes such as border, bordercolor, bgcolor, background, cellspacing, cellpadding, align, valign, width, height, rowspan, and colspan. You should also feel comfortable breaking up a page design into its table components such as in the prototyping exercise. Chapter 10 and web reading: tag discussion, the table debugging exercise, and prototyping with tables.
Understand the concepts of page design including topics such as consistency, dimensions, graphic safe areas, effects of page length, headers and footers, and flexible versus fixed design. Don't worry about the frames topics. The page design chapter from the Yale Web Style Guide
Understand the concepts of site design including topics such as information organization, site structure including grid (make sure you have some examples for each structure), home page types, effects of different graphics to text ratios, and other items that a web page needs to contain (site maps, indexs, contact information, FAQ, etc.). The site design chapter from the Yale Web Style Guide
Site design process including the six phases (information gathering, strategy, prototyping, implementation, launch, and maintenance & growth) and brainstorming. Class handouts.