FALL 2018

Emmy Noether, 1882-1935

Joseph H. M. Wedderburn, 1882-1948

Emil Artin, 1898-1962

Nathan Jacobson, 1910-1999

This webpage gives a list of books and research papers which may be useful in the fall 2018 Noncommutative Ring Theory (MATH 5900) class. The references are borken into general classes.

Our Textbook and Related Books
The text for the class is A First Course in Noncommutative Rings 2nd Edition (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Book 131), by Tsit-Yuen Lam, Springer (2001). The first edition of this book is available in the ETSU Sherrod Library (QA251.4.L36 1991).
Some books related directly to our textbook are:
  1. Exercises in Classical Ring Theory, 2nd Edition (Problem Books in Mathematics), T. Y. Lam, NY: Springer (2003). This is a solution manual for all problems in our textbook. This book is available by "online access" through the ETSU Sherrod Library. Search for the book with the online catalog and click on "Online access." You will be prompted for your username and password and then you can view the book. You can also print up to 100 pages or download them in PDF.
  2. Lectures on Modules and Rings (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Book 189) Springer (1999). This is a sequel to A First Course in Noncommutative Rings, also by T.Y. Lam.
  3. Exercises in Modules and Rings (Problem Books in Mathematics) by T. Y. Lam, NY: Springer (2007). This is a solution manual to the Lam's Lectures on Modules and Rings.

General Background
On page ix of A First Course in Noncommutative Rings Lam states: "We assume that, from [a standard first-year gradaute course in abstract algebra], the students would have been exposed to tensor products, chain conditions, some module theory, and a certain amount of commutative algebra." Our recent Modern Algebra sequence (MATH 5410 in fall 2017 and MATH 5420 in spring 2018) did not touch on these ring theory topics to any degree. In this class we will primarily rely on the text from the Modern Algebra sequence, Algebra (Graduate Texts in Mathematics 73) by T. W. Hungerford, Springer-Verlag (1974). The most relevant topics are from: General introductory ring theory from Hungerford includes: