Joe Besser
From: http://www.threestooges.net/.
"To [Joe] Besser’s eternal shame, he had it written into his contract that he would not be subject to slapping or bodily harm."
From: "Pure Slap Shtick" by Richard von Busack, Metro Santa Cruz, January 16-22, 1997. Available online at: http://www.ratical.org/ratville/3stooges75yrs.html.

Joe Besser
"Moe and Larry – they were the best. I enjoyed every minute of it with them. In fact, to show you how wonderful they were, I never liked to be hit with anything. And Larry used to say to me ‘don’t worry Joe, I’ll take it.’ Now that’s the kind of guys they were."
From Stooges: The Men Behind the Mayhem, (DVD) Mackinac Media, 2004.

The null hypothesis is:
H0: "The average number of violent acts by Moe against Curly per episode is the same as the average number of violent acts by Moe against Joe."
The alternative hypothesis is:
Ha: "The average number of violent acts by Moe against Curly per episode is greater than the average number of violent acts by Moe against Joe."

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