The Cultural Link

October 2008

 Published by the Office of Cultural Affairs, Division of Health Sciences, East Tennessee State University

Exploring Culture and Cultural Diversity in Health and Health Care

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October Cultural & Health Awareness Observances
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Arts & Cultural Events

Fiscella K; Epstein RM.  So Much To Do, So Little Time.  Archives of Internal Medicine; 2008: 168 9170:1843-1052.

The premise of this article is that the 15 minute office visit perpetuates disparities in health outcomes among socially and economically disadvantaged patients. More time is needed than the 15 minute visit to overcome significant challenges in communication between the physician and the patient.  Among these challenges are:  a health partnership with a patient and  communicating across language, culture and level of health literacy; a heavy load of symptoms and illnesses suffered by these patients and impairments that impede communication; addressing barriers to specialty referral and treatment adherence.  The Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) is the suggested solution that has been recommended by primary care physician organizations and is beginning to receive support from payers.  PCMH is already being implemented in may practices including the Veterans Administration Hospitals.  A primary care team might consist of 1 physician, 1 nurse practitioner, a patient panel manager and several registered nurses or medical assistants.  In PCMH, all members of the team are trained to help patients take more active roles in their own care.  



The Female Orgasm 10/2
7 PM
Culp Aud
National Storytelling Festival 10/3-5 Jonesborough
Unicoi County Apple Festival 10/3-4 Erwin TN
How to Get High Naturally 10/6
7 pm
WRC Book Review: Dragon Bones: A Red Princess Mystery 10/15
12 pm
WRC Panhellenic Hall Basement
Dare to Dream: My Journey in Women's Athletics 10/16
5 pm
Culp, E TN Room
Homecoming Poetry Slam 10/17
7 pm
Culp Aud
Homecoming Gospel Festival 10/19
3:30 pm
Culp Aud
Reading by Author Jeff Mann 10/20
7 PM
Ball Hall
Environmental Film Series: The Nuclear Comeback 10/21
7 pm
Brown Hall Aud
Illustrated Self Discovery Thru Collaging 10/21 &
12 pm
Panhellenic Hall, basement
Fragocity LAN Party 10/24-25 Cost/RSVP
Digital Media Ctr.
Environmental Film Series: Woven Ways 10/27
7 pm
Brown Hall Aud
Jiu-Jitsu Lessons 10/27
3 pm
Environmental Film Series: Burning the Future- Cole in America 10/29
7 pm
Brown Hall Aud
Anxiety Screening
11 am
Culp Booth 1

Did You Know?

  • Among Asian-American groups, Vietnamese Americans are more likely to seek help for mental health problems. 
  • A higher percentage of low income and/or less educated women receive total mastectomy rather tan BCT (breast conserving treatment) for early stage breast carcinoma. 
  • Asthma is the leading chronic disease among Latino children
  • Foreign born children are 5 times more likely to have high blood levels of lead than are US born children.


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