The Cultural Link

October 2008

 Published by the Office of Cultural Affairs, Division of Health Sciences, East Tennessee State University

Exploring Culture and Cultural Diversity in Health and Health Care

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Article of the Month: So much to do, so little time

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Campus & Area Arts, Cultural and Health Awareness Events


October Cultural & Health Awareness Observances


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Hispanic Heritage Month Thru 10/15

                 Spotlight On...



In 20 states, Hispanics comprise the largest minority group.  The majority of Hispanic households consist of a married couple (67%) with 44% of these households including children under 18.  Among all college students, 11% are of Hispanic heritage.  Hispanic Americans By the Numbers  

                                                           Breast Cancer Awareness Month


Does a prepared, breast cancer survivor who has done her research on the kind of breast reconstruction she wants have to clash with the surgeon who recommends a different type of surgery?  Who's Afraid of the Empowered Patient?

Racial and ethnic disparities in breast cancer have increased while the overall mortality from breast cancer has decreased since the 1980s.  Increased screening alone is insufficient to address these disparities.  Proposed policy changes are recommended to truly reduce the disparities in outcomes for breast cancer.  Racial and ethnic disparities in breast cancer mortality: are we doing enough to address the root causes?

Why would some women chose treatments that are not considered as beneficial to their health as others discussed by the health care provider?  In breast cancer decision making, patients' perceptions may result as much from the providers' manner of interaction as from the actual information that was conveyed.  Breast Cancer disparities and decision-making among US women 



Disability Employment Month


Can you imagine how you would survive contracting polio, having your home destroyed in war, and forced to immigrate to another country? The author of this essay, Oumaya Abi Saab, has overcome all this and more.  Read her reflections in the October 2008 issue of Inroads magazine.


Children's Health Month

                                                          Depression and Mental Health Month         

What can make the difference in asthma care for children from racial and ethnic minority groups?  Race/Ethnicity, language and asthma care: findings from a 4-state survey 


Asthma, Lead Exposure, Childhood Cancer and Developmental Disabilities comprise key areas where environmental factors impact children's health.  Fast Facts on Children's Environmental Health

What can parents do to protect their children from hazards in the everyday environment? What you can do to protect children from environmental risks.


  Mental health study of Asian Americans finds more emotional disorders among the second generation as compared with their immigrant parents.  Asian-American mental health

The pathways to mental health services can vary greatly across racial and ethnic groups.  In Britain, an exploration of the point of entry to these services indicated that different racial and cultural groups had different preferences for which contexts were preferred for receiving mental health services.  Mental illness in Black and Asian ethnic minorities: pathways to care and outcomes. 


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