Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers
- Le, C., Shrestha, K.J., Jeong, H.D., Damnjanovic, Ivan (2021). “A Sequential Patter Mining Driven Framework for Developing Construction Logic Knowledge Bases.” Elsevier Automation in Construction. 121, 103439,
- Abdelaty, A., Shrestha, K. J., & Jeong, H. D. (2020). “Estimating Preconstruction Services for Bridge Design Projects.” ASCE
Journal of Management in Engineering, 36(4), 04020034.
- Kisi, K.P., Shrestha, K.J., and Kayastha, R. (2020), “Labor Shortage and Safety Issues in Post-Earthquake Building Construction: A Case Study.” ASCE Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, 12(3), 05020011.
Shrestha, K. J., and Jeong, H. D. (2017) “Computational Algorithm to Automate As-Built Schedule Development Using Digital Daily Work Reports.” Elsevier Automation in Construction, 84, 315–322.
Shrestha, K. J., Jeong, H. D., and Gransberg, D. D. (2017) “Multidimensional Highway Construction Cost Indexes Using Dynamic Item Basket.” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 143(8),
- Shrestha, P. P. and Shrestha, K. J. (2017) “Factors Associated with Crash Severities in Built-up Areas along Rural Highways of Nevada: A Case Study of 11 Towns.” Elsevier Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Special Issue: Driver Behavior, Highway Capacity and Transportation Resilience, 4(1).
Shrestha, K. J., and Shrestha, P. P. (2016) “Comprehensive Framework for Speed-Zone Guidelines.” Elsevier Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 3(4), 352–363.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Shrestha, K.J., Canon, J., Abdelaty, A. and Kisi, K., “Common Building Construction Code Violations: Case Study of Johnson City, Tennessee”, CI CRC Joint Conference, March 20 – March 23, 2024
- Jamal, M.S, Abdelaty, A., Shrestha, K.J., “Improving the Reliability of Adverse Weather Day Estimation in Project Planning: A Framework Utilizing Daily Work Reports”, CI CRC Joint Conference, March 20 – March 23, 2024
Shrestha, K. J., Uddin, M.M., Fielden, J., “Comparison of State Department of Transportation Practices in Analyzing Risks for Large Infrastructure Projects”, 59th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference, Liverpool John Moore University (LJMU), Liverpool, England, April 3 – April 5, 2023.
Shrestha, K.J., Adebiyi, J., Uddin, M., and Sturgill, R. (2022). “Framework to Compute Emission Costs Associated with Work Zones.” The 9th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM) 2022, Las Vegas, June 20 – 23, 2022.
Shrestha, K.J., Mani, N., Kisi, K., and Abdelaty, A. (2022). “Social Media Analytics to Understand the Construction Industry Sentiments.” The 9th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM) 2022, Las Vegas, June 20 – 23, 2022.
- Hussan, F.U., Le, T., Le ,C., and Shrestha, K.J. (2022). “Automated Prioritization of Construction Project Requirements using Machine Learning and Fuzzy Logic System.” The 9th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM) 2022, Las Vegas, June 20 – 23, 2022.
- Jamal, M.S, Abdelaty, A., and Shrestha, K.J. (2022). “Factors Affecting Delay on Public Transportation Projects in Short Construction Seasons.” The 9th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM) 2022, Las Vegas, June 20 – 23, 2022.
Shrestha, K.J., Uddin, M., and Adebiyi, J. (2021), “Current Practices of Calculating and Utilizing Road User Costs in the U.S,” Canadian Society for Civil Engineers (CSCE) 2021 Annual Conference, May 26-29, 2021.
- Kisi, K.P., Kayastha, R., Pradhananga, N., Shrestha, K.
J. and Khoteja, D., “Factors Contributing Building Reconstruction and Renovation Challenges: A Case Study After April 2015 Gorkha Earthquake,” Construction Research Congress (CRC) 2020, Virtual Conference.
Shrestha, K.J., Le, C., Jeong, H.D., Le, T. (2019), “Mining Daily Work Report Data for Detecting Patterns of Construction Sequences.” Creative Construction Conference, June 29 – July 2, 2019, Budapest, Hungary.
- Kisi, K.P, Mani, N., Lee, N. Shrestha, K.J., Shrestha, K., and Kayastha, R. (2019), “Opportunities and Challenges for Module Construction in Developing Nations: A Case Study in the Nepalese Construction Industry.” 7th Canadian Society for Civil Engineers (CSCE) Annual Conference, June 12-15, 2019, Lawal, Greater Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Shrestha, K.J. and Jeong, H.D. (2019). “Automated Unit Price Visualization Using ArcPy Site Package in ArcGIS.” 36th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC) 2019, May 21-24, 2019, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
- Abdelaty, A. and Shrestha, K.J. (2019). “Current Practices of Experiential Learning in the United States Construction and Technology Programs.” Interdependence Between Structural Engineering and Construction Management, May 20-25, 2019, Chicago, IL.
Shrestha, K.J. and Osborne, D.L. (2019). “An Exploratory Look at Thefts from Construction Sites.” 55th Annual Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) International Conference, April 10-13, 2019, Denver, Colorado. (The Best Conference Proceeding of the Year.)
- Mitra, J.P., Shrestha, K.J., Ross, J., and Hong, J. (2019). “Analysis of Construction Cost Variation of Construction Manager General Contractor (CM/GC) Project.” 55th Annual Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) International Conference, April 10-13, 2019, Denver, Colorado.
Shrestha, K. J., Jeong, H. D., and Gransberg, D. D. (2016). “Critical Analysis of Current Practices of Highway Construction Cost Index (HCCI) Calculation and Utilization.”2016 Construction Research Congress. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Shrestha, K. J., Jeong, H. D., and Gransberg, D. D. (2015). “Current Practices of Collecting and Utilizing Daily Work Report Data and Areas for Improvements.” The 6th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM 2015). October 11-13, 2015, Busan, Korea.
- Jain, D., Shrestha, K. J., and Jeong, H. D. (2015). “Spatiotemporal Analysis of Unit Prices of a Major Cost Item for Transportation Projects across Iowa Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS).” The 6th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM 2015). October 11-13, 2015, Busan, Korea.
Shrestha, K. P., and Shrestha, P. (2015). “Framework Development of Speed Zone Guidelines based on Current Best Practices.” Transportation Research Board: 93rd Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 12-16, 2015, Washington, D.C.
- Shrestha, P. P., Shrestha, K., and Shrestha, K. (2012). “Carbon Dioxide Emissions by the Transportation Sector in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal.” Developing the Frontier of Sustainable Design, Engineering, and Construction, American Society of Civil Engineers, November 7-9, 2012, Fort Worth, Texas, 90–97.
- Adebiyi, J., Shrestha, K. J., Uddin, M.M., “Balancing the Ease and Accuracy of Road User Cost (RUC) Computation for Use in Alternative Contracting Procedure,” 150th Anniversary of the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State University (Poster Presentation), September 17, 2021.
- Adebiyi, J.A., Shrestha, K.J., Uddin, M.M., “An Enhanced Framework to Compute Road User Costs,” 14th American Society of Nepalese Engineers (ASNEngr) Annual Conference 2021.
- Adebiyi, J.A., Shrestha, K.J., Uddin, M.M., “Identification of the Best Practices to Compute Road Users Costs,” Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) Innovation to Implementation Forum 2021, March 31, 2021.
- Adebiyi, J.A., Shrestha, K.J., Uddin, M.M., “Identification of the Best Practices to Compute Road Users Costs (RUCs),” 8th Annual Appalachian Research in Business Symposium, Eastern Kentucky University, March 26, 2021.
Shrestha, K.J. and Jeong, H.D., “Multidimensional Highway Construction Cost Indexes Using Dynamic Item Basket for South Dakota Department of Transportation,” 13th American Society of Nepalese Engineers (ASNEngr) Annual Conference 2020.
Shrestha, K.J., Uddin, M. M., Adebiyi, J.A., Kawsar, F.A., “Road User Cost as an Integral Component of the Project Cost Estimating Process for A+B Contracting.” Transportation Estimators’ Association (TEA) Conference 2020.
Shrestha. K.J. and Jeong, H.D., “Modern Unit Price Visualization and Estimating Tool for Highway Agencies,” 2020 SAVE International Value Summit, Virtual Conference.
Shrestha, K.J. “Development of a Fully Automated Unit Price Visualization and Estimating Framework and Tool Using ArcObjects .NET SDK.” 2020 Transportation Research Record (TRB) Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Shrestha, K.J. “GIS Based Unit Price Visualization and Estimation”, 61st International Highway Engineering Exchange Program (IHEEP) Conference 2019 - Transportation Technology on Tap, September 8 – 12, Asheville, NC.
Shrestha, K.J. and Jeong, H.D. (2018). “Automated Spatial Visualization of Bid Data Using Geographic Information System.” American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Construction Institute (CI) Summit 2018. Fort Worth, Texas. (Invited).
Shrestha, K. J., and Jeong, H.D. (2017). “HCCI Tool Research Project”, Transportation Estimators Association – Project Users Group (TEA-PUG) 2017 Conference. September 19-27, 2017. Kalispell, Montana. (Invited).
Shrestha, K. J., and Jeong, H. D. (2015). “Enhanced Framework for Better Collection and Utilization of Daily Work Report Data.” 2015 Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
- Jeong, D. H., and Shrestha, K. J. (2015). “As-Built Schedule Development based on Daily Work Report Data.” US-Korea Conference 2015. Atlanta, GA. (Invited)
Shrestha, K. J., and Jeong, H. D. (2014). “Using Web Scraping Technology to Automatize Cost Data Collection for Calculating Construction Cost Indexes.” 1st Graduate and Professional Student Research Conference, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
- Jain, D., Shrestha, J., and Jeong, D. (2014). “Spatiotemporal Visualization of Major Cost Items in Highway Construction in Iowa.” Civil and Construction Software Club Technology Fair. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. (Invited)
Shrestha, K. J., and Jeong, H. D. (2014). “DWR Based As-Built Schedule –Powerful but Highly Neglected Application of DWR Data.” CCEE Graduate Student Research Showcase and Poster Competition. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Shrestha, K. P., and Jeong, D. (2013). “Big Data, Predictive Analytics, and Data Visualization in Construction Engineering.” CCEE Graduate Student Research Showcase and Poster Competition. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Shrestha, K. P., and Shrestha, P. (2013). “Investigation of Crashes and Identifying the Best Practices for Setting up Speed Zones in Towns Along Rural Highways in Nevada.” College of Engineering: Graduate Celebration, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Technical Reports
Shrestha, K.J., Uddin, M., and Adebiyi, J. (2021). “Calculating Road User Cost for Specific Sections of Highway for Use in Alternative Contracting Project.” Tennessee Department of Transportation, September 2021.
- Jeong, H. D., Gransberg, D. D., and Shrestha, K. J. (2017). “Advanced Methodology to Determine Highway Construction Cost Index (HCCI).” Final Report, Montana Department of Transportation.
- Gransberg, D. D., Jeong, H. D., Craigie, E., Rueda, J., and Shrestha, J. (2015). “Preconstruction Services Cost Estimating Guidebook.” Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.
- Jeong, H. D., Gransberg, D. D., and Shrestha, K. J. (2015). “Framework for Advanced Daily Work Report System.” Mid-America Transportation Center.
- Shrestha, P. P., Said, A., Tian, Y., and Shrestha, K. P. (2013). “Guidelines for Speed Reduction in Towns along Rural Highways.” Nevada Department of Transportation.