- Open Rhino 3D and import the DXF drawing into a new drawing's TOP view
using the File-Import/Merge command.
- Extrude the frame to a height of 0.485".
- Create a 3/8" DIA hole thru the right leg of the frame.
- Create a 1/16" deep slot in the top face of the C-clamp frame
- Join the various curves for the Screw, Swivel, Handle, & Cap and
revolve them around the "Important Points"
- In the head (thick part) of the Screw, generate a 0.250 DIA hole thru at the point.
- Using the points as alignment references and the ORTHO drawing aid,
move the various pieces into place to create a model of the assembled C-clamp.
- Before rendering the model, set the Object Properties of the pieces to a color of a 130 Gray.
- Render your final model and save both the 3D model and at least one (1) rendered image.