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ENTC 3710 Manual CNC Pgrm
Absolute to Incremental Cutter Path
Conversion Using AutoCAD
Manually converting CNC tool paths from absolute (ABS) to incremental (INC) coordinates using AutoCAD is a fairly straight forward process. One can compute the X and Y coordinate differences between the start and stop points and—on arcs—also compute the start to center points. The math can be simplified even more by putting the absolute X and Y coordinate values into a spreadsheet and using the spreadsheet to calculate the incremental differences. An example Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is availale for downloading.
AutoCAD Properties iconAn easier way (and, for simple tool paths, a quicker way), is to draw straight lines (in the appropriate direction) from the line or arc start & end points. The ΔX and ΔY values displayed in the Properties window are simply the incremental X and Y word address values. In the case of arcs, after drawing a straight line from the start the center point, the Δ X and ΔY values shown in the Properties window will be the I and J word address values. The Properties window can be toggled on and off by pressing the Properties icon locate on the Standard toolbar (as shown).
In this example, the specified cutter center line tool path is the first shape of lab #2, the filleted triangle with a curl-on and curl-off. The radius chosen for the tritriangle's corner fillets is 0.1875 and the specified curl-on radius is 0.375. While any tangent point on the triangle's tool path could be used for the curl-on point, the point chosen in this example is the beginning of the lower left hand fillet arc. The toop path direction will be around the triangle working clockwise. Curl-on geometry
After the tool path geometry is drawn, the next step is to find the incremental distance from the start point to the end point of the curl-on arc. Do this by drawing a line from the arc start to the arc end.
As shown in the adjacent diagram, once the line from the arc start to the arc end points has been drawn, ensure that the line is selected and toggle the Properties window on. For the curl-on start to end X and Y values:
ΔX = -0.3618
ΔY = 0.6570
Arc Start to End Point
Put these two values into the X and Y word address registers as shown:
N1020 G03 G91 X-0.3618 Y0.6570 I_____ J______
Erase the curl-on start-end line and then draw another line from the curl-on arc start to the curl-on arc center. The start to center ΔX and ΔY values for this line will then be placed into the block's I and J word address registers:
ΔX = -0.1809
ΔY = 0.3285
Arc Start to Center
Put these two values into the I and J word address registers as shown:
N1020 G03 G91 X-0.3618 Y0.6570 I-0.1809 J0.3285
If necessary, a cutter feed rate can be specified within the block.
The process is now repeated for the next programmed entity (e.g., the lower left hand fillet arc). Erase the previous line, draw a line new from the fillet arc start to the fillet ard end point, and transfer the new ΔX and ΔY data into the next program block.
ΔXstart to end = -0.2681
ΔYstart to end = 0.2242
Arc Start to End Point
Place these two incremental values into the next blocks' X and Y word registers as shown:
N1025 G02 G91 X-0.2681 Y0.2242 I_____ J______
Erase the current line and draw another from the fillet arc start point to the fillet arc center point. The ΔX and ΔY values for this line are the incremental I and J values:
ΔXstart to ctr = -0.0905
ΔYstart to ctr = 0.1642
Arc Start to Center
Take these two new values and put them into the I and J word address registers as shown:
N1025 G02 G91 X-0.2681 Y0.2242 I-0.0905 J0.1642
The next programming block is a straight line from the end point of the 1st fillet arc to the start point of the 2nd fillet arc. Getting the incremental values for this shape is as simple as eraseing the previous line, selecting the target line, and reading off the ΔX and ΔY values.
ΔXstart = 0.7926
ΔYend = 2.3471

As always, ensure that the line is drawn in the direct of the desired tool travel; otherwise use the negative ΔX and ΔY values.
Line Start to End
Place these two values in the next blocks' X and Y registers as shown:
N1030 G01 G91 X0.7926 Y2.3471
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Together, these three blocks of code will look like this:
N1020 G03 G91 X-0.3618 Y0.6570 I-0.1809 J0.3285
N1025 G02 G91 X-0.2681 Y0.2242 I-0.0905 J0.1642
N1030 G01 G91 X0.7926 Y2.3471
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If the target controller's G91 (Incremental) is a modal command, the program can be shortened to:
N1020 G03 G91 X-0.3618 Y0.6570 I-0.1809 J0.3285
N1025 G02     X-0.2681 Y0.2242 I-0.0905 J0.1642
N1030 G01     X0.7926  Y2.3471
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The commented code block for the entire triangle tool path is:
N1000 T1                                             $        Load Tool #1
N1005 G00 G90 X-0.2158 Y-1.4244                      $RPD ABS Curl-on Start
N1010                           Z0.050               $        Z Clearance
N1015 G01 G91                   Z-0.050  F2          $FR  INC Z Surf
N1020 G03     X-0.3618 Y0.6570  I-0.1809 J0.3285 F20 $CCW     Curl on
N1025 G02     X-0.2681 Y0.2242  I-0.0905 J0.1642     $CW      Fillet #1
N1030 G01     X0.7926  Y2.3471                       $FR      Side #1
N1035 G02     X0.2548  Y0.1109  I0.1776  J-0.0600    $CW      Fillet #2
N1040 G01     X1.9067  Y-0.8606                      $FR      Side #2
N1045 G02     X0.0133  Y-0.3351 I-0.0771 J-0.1709    $CW      Fillet #3
N1050 G01     X-2.6992 Y-1.4865                      $FR      Side #3
N1055 G03     X-0.0962 Y-0.0758 I0.1809  J-0.3285    $CCW     Curl-off
N1060 G00                       Z0.050               $RPD     Z Clearance
N1065     G90 X6.25 Y-2                              $    ABS Tool Chng Pt
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