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ENTC 3710
Introduction to the AXYZ CNC Router
Big ETSU Bucaneer Maze - Opens in new window
Lab #4-2
ETSU Bucaneer Maze

For this assignment, you will need to download
the project's DXF-formatted CADD file.
(Need help downloading and saving files off the Internet? Click here!)

The purpose of this lab is to familiarize the student with the process of turning a CAD file into a finished part using a proprietary CAM program (ToolPath) and then making the desired part on the AXYZ CNC Router.
The final deliverable package for this lab assignment will consist of the following:
  • A printout/plot of the drawing(s) used in this lab (including the location of all clamps and the drawing origin);
  • Setup instructions (in MS Word format) including a screen shot of the ToolPath Output window and instructions on how to properly secure the workpiece stock to the router table); and
  • A final part (standard size).
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Notes for this assignment:
  • The nominal, unscaled size of the project is approximately 11 wide x 9½ inches in height; choose a suitably sized piece of stock for the project. For this project, use an inexpensive and soft (i.e., easily routed) material such as plastic, tempered hardboard, MDF oak, or walnut.
  • Appropriate provisions must be made to securely clamp the workpiece to the router table. The instructor must approve the final setup prior to the student running the program.
  • The drawing origin (X0,Y0 ABS) must be located in the parts' upper right corner at least 1 inch from the outside edge of the part.
  • The router paths will be generated using the existing AXYZ tooling. For the labyrinth path, consider using the center-cutting round over bit; the depth of cut can be set between 0.032 to 0.090 (½ part thickness maximum). Use the ¼" DIA straight cutting bit (Tool #1) for the final through cuts.
  • The minimum part thickness will be 1/4" thick. The thickness of the stock will vary depending upon the final approved material. If the final part is to be over ¼ inch thick, use the multipass option in the Output window; the maximum depth of cut of Tool #1 is 0.188.
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