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ENTC 3710 — Lab #4
Introduction to the AXYZ CNC Router
The purpose of this lab is to familiarize the student with the process of turning CAD data into a finished part by using a proprietary CAM program (ToolPath) to process the CADD file and then making the desired part on the AXYZ CNC Router. Each student will choose one of the following projects to run on the AXYZ CNC Router:
Lab #4-1
Chartres Labyrinth
Lab #4-2
ETSU Bucaneer Maze
Lab #4-3
20 x 20 Maze
Lab #4-4
Geneva Gear
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The final deliverable package for this lab assignment will consist of the following:
  • A printout/plot of the drawing(s) used in this lab (including the location of all clamps and the drawing origin);
  • Setup instructions (in MS Word format) including a screen shot of the ToolPath Output window and instructions on how to properly secure the workpiece stock to the router table); and
  • A final part (standard size).
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Notes for this assignment:
  • A final part of "standard size" will be routed out of a piece of plastic, tempered hardboard, MDF oak, or walnut.
  • Appropriate provisions must be made to securely clamp the workpiece to the router table. The instructor must approve the final setup prior to the student running the program.
  • The drawing origin (X0,Y0 ABS) must be located in the parts' upper right corner at least 1 inch from the outside edge of the part.
  • The router paths will be generated using the existing AXYZ tooling.
  • The minimum part thickness will be 1/4" thick.
  • The thickness of the stock will vary depending upon the final approved material.
  • If the final part is to be over 1/4 inch thick, use the multipass option in the Output window.

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The multi-step process used to go from a CAD drawing to a finished part is as follows:
  1. Opening the appropriate drawing in a CADD application (e.g., AutoCAD). Select the appropriate line and click on the assignment name to load the appropriate web page or right click on the "DXF file" hotlink to download and save the projects' DXF file:
  2. Preparing a 2D CADD file for importing into ToolPath. Continuous tool path or boundry edge lines should be changed to joined polylines (i.e., use the AutoCAD "pedit" command);
  3. Importing a DXF Release 12 formatted file into Toolpath;
  4. Using the ToolPath CAM program to develop a 2½-D contouring program;
  5. Saving and transmitting the AXYZ Ready file (RDY) to the CNC router;
  6. Selecting and securing the appropriate material to the AXYZ table; and
  7. Running the desired program to create a finished part.
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