Seminar on Connected Vehicles
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016
Venue: ETSU Innovation Lab
Organizing Host:
- Dr. Mohammad Hoque (Director, VNL)
- Dr. Mohammad Hoque (Director, VNL)
- Dr. Asad Khattak (Director, Transportation Engineering program, UT Knoxville)
- Dr. Subhadeep Chakraborty (Assistant Professor, UT Knoxville)
- Mr. Anthony Todd (Director, Johnson City Traffic Division)
University of Tennessee:
- Dr. Asad Khattak (Director, Transportation Engineering program and Beaman Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- Dr. Subhadeep Chakraborty (Assistant Professor of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering)
- Behram Wali (PhD student)
- Mohsen Kamrani (PhD student)
City of Johnson City:
- Mr. Anthony Todd (Director, Johnson City Traffic Division)
- Dr. William Duncan (Vice Provost for Research and Sponsored Programs)
- Dr. Audrey Depelteau (Director, Innovation Lab)
- Dr. David Hurley (Chair, Research and Development Committee)
- Dr. Tony Pitterese (Chair, Department of Computer Science)
- Dr. Martin Barrett (Assistant Chair, Department of Computer Science)
- Several other faculty members and students from the Department of Computing
Pictures from the seminar:
From left to right: Dr. Shuvadeep Chakrabarty (UT), Dr. Asad Khattak (UT), Mohammad Hoque, Dr. Chris Wallace (ETSU Computing), Dr. Phil Pfeiffer (ETSU Computing), Dr. Bill Duncan
From left to right: ETSU Student (with black t-shirt), Mr. Anthony Todd(JC Traffic Div), Dr. Shuvadeep Chakrabarty (UT), Bahram Wali (UT PhD student), Mohammad Hoque, Dr. Chris Wallace (ETSU Computing), Dr. Phil Pfeiffer (ETSU Computing), Mohsen Kamrani (UT PhD student).