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Exercise Information

This page contains the details and directions of both the in-class exercises and the homework assignments. Some of these assignments will be turned in for a grade while others will simply support the material presented in class. This page will be updated constantly, so be sure to check back here on a regular basis.

Documents referenced by this page are in either HTML or PDF format. If you do not have a copy of the Adobe Acrobat Viewer for the PDF files, download the free copy from their web site.

Date Homework
23-Jan Our in-class assignment today is meant to reinforce our CSS discussion from Thursday. You will be taking a simple web page and adding formatting to it through a style sheet. Please follow the directions found at this link. If you do not complete the in-class exercise, please complete it by Thursday's class (January 25th).
25-Jan Our in-class assignment today will take you through the development of a bunch of short scripts and introduce you to some of the JavaScript object models. You will not need to hand in code from this assignment.
30-Jan Our in-class assignment today is meant to give you some hands-on experience with the JavaScript Browser Object Model.
6-Feb Our in-class assignment today introduces a few more JavaScript components, image swapping, and form validation. The final exercise on form validation is meant as homework and will need to be "turned in", i.e., stored in your inclass/html folder, by Tuesday, February 13th.
13-Feb Our in-class assignment today should reinforce the String and Date objects introduced last week and introduce you to the JavaScript function setTimeout(). You will not need to hand in code from this assignment.
22-Feb Our in-class assignment today should reinforce the database lecture from last week and today. You will also be learning how to create scripts to create and populate tables.
27-Feb Today's in-class assignment is just a short set of instructions meant to have you create five select statements to be uploaded as part of a single script to my Blackboard Drop Box.
13-Mar Today's in-class assignment covers what we're studying in class this week in addition to introducing functions and include files.
22-Mar Today's in-class assignment will introduce us to the process of passing data from forms to our PHP scripts.
29-Mar Today's in-class assignment applies what we discussed in class during the last lecture. You will be creating five different PHP scripts used to search a database of courses and output the sorted results. These exercises will be verified for a homework grade.
10-Apr Today's in-class exercise is based off of a couple of forms contained in the file sessions.htm. You can find the instructions for the lab here.

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