Bridgeport Anilam Crusader II CNC Mill Pgrm & Ops

Chapter 5 -- Address Codes for Variable Registers

The following address codes are applicable for variables registers for both EIA-274-D and ANILAM formats.

Use the V console key for entering Anilam format variables and G29 LV for RS-274-D format variables.
Only the first variable listed in a given RS-274-D block must contain an "LV" address word;
subsequent variables in the SAME block need contain only the "V" address word. For example:

N455 G29 LV20=6.0 V21=0.2 V22=3.0 V23=0.5, etc.

Address Codes for Variables Registers
Address No. Function
11 X-axis polar center for polar moves, bolt circle center, and scaling.
Must always be an absolute location.
12 Y-axis polar center for polar moves, bolt circle center, and scaling.
Must always be an absolute location.
13 Index angle used for polar rotation
14 Radius for polar moves
15 Angle for polar moves or 1st hole in bolt circle
16 Angle of last hole in bolt circle
17 Number of holes in a bolt circle
18 Diameter of bolt circle or hole mill cycle
20 Feedrate for G80-series Z-axis canned cycles
21 Drilling start height (clearance) for G80-series Z- axis canned cycles.
Must be an absolute location above the workpiece, but can have a negative value.
Must be set at .100 for G83 and G87 cycles to assure first peck drilling.
22 Dwell time (sec.) for G82 and G89 cycles
23 Peck increment for G83 and G87 cycles
40 Starting height (clearance) for pocket milling canned cycles.
Must be an absolute location above the workpiece, but can have a negative value.
Must be set at 0.100 for to assure first peck milling.
41 G75, G77 X Ctr. & G78 pocket X-axis total length
42 G75, G77 Y Ctr. & G78 pocket Y-axis total width
43 Z-axis depth of G75, G77, and G78 pocket.
Must be an absolute location and can be positive or negative value.
44 G75 & G78 rectangular pocket corner radius or G77 circular pocket diameter
45 G75, G77, & G78 pocket stepover.
For G75, G77, & G78 should not exceed 70% of cutter diameter to avoid corner stubs.
46 G75, G77, & G78 peck increment
47 G75, G77, & G78 pocket finish cut stock on sides and bottom
48 G75, G77, & G78 pocket finish pass feedrate
49 Cutter diameter for pocket milling.
Cutter compensation (G41-G42) must NOT be active for pocket milling.
50 G75 frame width and G78 finish pass y/n logic

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Copyright © 2003-2005 George C. Stanton & Bill Hemphill
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Last updated on March 24, 2005 by Bill Hemphill