To Be Held In Person on the ETSU Campus

 Saturday, April 26, 2025      


The Upper East Tennessee Science Fair is an annual event sponsored by the Johnson City Kiwanis Club and ETSU.  The Fair is held in the Ballroom in the Culp Center on the ETSU Campus.  The fair typically hosts several hundred exhibits submitted by fourth through eighth grade students from dozens of schools in the upper east Tennessee region.   

Professional scientists, ETSU science faculty, and science educators judge the competition with thousands of dollars in prize money awarded to student winners, their teachers, and to their schools.    

NOTE:  There is no preliminary requirement that schools must host or students must place in any local school fair to be eligible for the UETSF!  The only requirement is that a “teacher” sponsor a deserving student’s project and a parent or legal guardian certify the student’s effort on the project with permission for the student to participate.


Below you will find information files and forms for the 2025 Science Fair.   The forms can be downloaded and copied as needed.

   { Entries Forms must be received by Friday, April 18, 2025}

                                           Please pay particular attention to these items:
       * Review the Rules and Regulations and Safety Guidelines to Insure a Student's project can be displayed and  judged!

       * Check that Student Entry Forms are Completely Filled Out and Legible
       * The School Entry Form (back) says how many entries each school may sponsor, and that you may not substitute between Biological and Physical Sciences quotas.
       * Form H (human subjects) states clearly that school counselors may sign for projects involving behavioral studies and surveys.
       * Form V (vertebrate subjects) is required for projects using fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, or mammals.  It is not necessary to include Form V for human subjects.
       * Form H and Form V require teachers and professionals to confirm that the relevant aspects of the project have been discussed with the student BEORE the proposed research was done.   
NOTE: MAPS TO THE SCIENCE FAIR:  Click on the Links Below to get a Campus Map or Culp Center Room Map
                Culp Center Floor Plans with Room Locations

PARKING:  Parking passes are not required for weekend visits to campus.  Visitors may park in any student or faculty parking lots but must still obey regulations for handicap, firelane, and any specially marked spaces.   


          DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF ENTRY FORMS  IS Friday, April 18, 2025.

Award Announcements

Downloadable MS Word (.doc file)

Downloadable (.pdf file)


Downloadable MS Word (.doc file)

Downloadable (.pdf file)

Parking, Event Details, etc.

Downloadable MS Word (.doc file)

Downloadable (.pdf file)

Rules and Regulations

Downloadable MS Word (.doc file)

Downloadable (.pdf file)

Safety Guidelines

Downloadable MS Word (.doc file)

Downloadable (.pdf file)

STUDENT Entry Form

Downloadable MS Word (.doc file)

Downloadable (.pdf file)

SCHOOL Entry Form

Downloadable MS Word (.doc file)

Downloadable (.pdf file)

Form H

Downloadable MS Word (.doc file)

Downloadable (.pdf file)

Form V

Downloadable MS Word (.doc file)

Downloadable (.pdf file)

Invitation to Teachers Letter

Downloadable MS Word (.doc file)

Downloadable (.pdf file)

For Further Information or Clarification Contact:
Dr. Gary Henson
Department of Physics & Astronomy
BOX 70652, ETSU
Johnson City, TN   37614
Phone: 423-439-6906
E-mail: hensong@etsu.edu