
McSweeney, R*., Luffman, A., Nandi, A., 2025, Aeolian influences on gully erosion in clay-rich soils in a humid subtropical climate, Southeast USA, Aeolian Research, Volume 72,100959, ISSN 1875-9637,

Das, R.*, Nandi, A., Luffman, I., Joyner, T.A (2024) Assessment of discontinuity-controlled rock slope instability for debris slide initiation: a GIS-based kinematical analysis in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN, USA. Environ Earth Sci 83, 284 (2024).

Fashina, L.*; Luffman, I.; Nandi, A.; Joyner, T.A. (2023) Evaluation of karst spring water quality in northeast Tennessee using water quality indices. Agrosystems, Geosci. Environ. 2023, 6,

O’Shea T.*, Farmer, S.*, Nandi, A., Bilderback, E., Luffman, I., and Joyner, A., (2022) “Inventory of Unstable Slopes to Prioritize Rockfall Modeling and Acid-Base-Accounting in Great Smoky Mountains National Park,” Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, May 2023, pp. 73–91.

Mandal. A., Nandi. A., Shakoor. A., Keaton, J., (2022) “Application of a Hydrological Model for Estimating Infiltration for Debris Flow Initiation: A Case Study from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee.” Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, February 2022, pp. 19.

Magno, M.*; Luffman, I.; Nandi, A. (2021) “Evaluating Spatial Regression-Informed Cokriging of Metals in Soils near Abandoned Mines in Bumpus Cove, Tennessee, USA.” Geosciences 2021, 11, 434. geosciences11110434

Das, R.*, Nandi, A., Joyner, T.A., and Luffman, I., (2021) “Application of GIS based knowledge-driven and data-driven methods for debris-slide susceptibility mapping.” In Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 12(1), pp. 17. DOI: 10.4018/IJAGR.2021010101

Luffman, I. and Nandi, A. (2020) “Seasonal precipitation variability and gully erosion in Southeastern USA.” Water, 12:925, doi: 10.3390/w12040925.

Luffman, I. and Nandi, A. (2019) “Freeze-thaw-related gully erosion in a humid subtropical climate: a weekly analysis 2012-2018.” Agronomy, 9(9): 549 doi: 10.3390/agronomy9090549

R. Das, and Nandi, A., (2019) “Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation Application of knowledge-driven method for debris-slide susceptibility mapping in regional scale” in 7th International Conference Proceeding:

M. Magno, Nandi, A., and Luffman, I., (2019) “Using spatial regression to model Potentially Toxic Metal (PTM) mobility based on physicochemical soil properties.” Applied and Environmental Soil Science, Volume 2019 Article ID 6432571.

J. Archer, Luffman, I., Nandi, A., and Joyner, T. A. (2019) “Florida’s recycled water footprint: a geospatial analysis of the distribution (2009-2015).” AIMS Environmental Sciences, 6(1): 41-58. doi: 10.3934/environsci.2019.1.41.

J. Archer, Luffman, I., Joyner, T. A., and Nandi, A. (2019) “Identifying untapped potential for recycled water use using geospatial analysis: A comparative study of Florida and California in 2009.” Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination, 9(2): 173-192. doi: 10.2166/wrd.2018.012

B. Adu Agyemang, Nandi, A., Luffman, I., and Joyner, T. A. (2018) “Groundwater nitrate concentrations and its relation to landcover, Buncombe County, NC.” International Association of Engineering Geologists 2018 Conference Proceedings Volume 2: Geotechnical and Environmental Site Characterization, Springer International Publishing XVI, 176 ISBN 978-3-319-93126-5.

J. Kincheloe, Nandi, A., and Luffman, I. (2018). “Aeolian erosion processes in humid subtropical Ultisols in Southeastern United States.” Journal of Geography and Earth Sciences, 6(1), pp. 19-30.

I. Luffman, Nandi, A., Luffman, B.* (2018). “Comparison of geometric and volumetric methods to a 3D solid model for measurement of gully erosion and sediment yield.” Geosciences, 8(3): 86.

C. Johnson, A. Nandi, T. Joyner, and I. Luffman, 2017. Iron and Manganese in Groundwater: Using Kriging and GIS to Locate High Concentrations in Buncombe County, North Carolina. Groundwater. doi:10.1111/gwat.12560 [Link]

A. Mandal and A. Nandi, 2017, Hydrological Modelling to Estimate Runoff and Infiltration in Southeastern Appalachian Debris Flow Complex, 3rd North American Symposium on Landslides, Pages 502-512. [Link]

A. Nandi and A. Shakoor, 2017, Predicting Debris Flow Initiation Zone Using Statistical And Rock Kinematic Analyses, A Case Study From West Prong Little Pigeon River, TN, 3rd North American Symposium on Landslides, Pages 912-922. [Link]

A. Nandi, 2016. Classification of Rocks, In book: Encyclopedia of Engineering Geology, Publisher: Springer International Publishing, Editors: Peter T. Bobrowsky and Brian Marker. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-12127-7_51-2 [Link]

A. Nandi, 2016. Clay, In book: Encyclopedia of Engineering Geology. In book: Encyclopedia of Engineering Geology, Publisher: Springer International Publishing, Editors: Peter T. Bobrowsky and Brian Marker.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-12127-7_53-2 [Link]

N Barnes, I Luffman, A Nandi, 2016, Gully erosion and freeze-thaw processes in clay-rich soils, northeast Tennessee, USA, GeoResJ, Volumes 9–12, Pages 67-76. [ Link ]

A. Nandi, Mandal, A., Wilson, M.D. and Smith, D., 2016, Flood hazard mapping in Jamaica using principal component analysis and logistic regression. Environmental Earth Sciences. Vol. 75 Issue 6, p1-16. 16p. [ Link ]

A. Mandal, D. Smith, M. Taylor, A. Nandi, S. Otuokon. , 2016, Climate change and flood risk: Challenges for Jamaican towns and communities. Climate Development and Knowledge Network. [ Link ]

A. Nandi and M. Glorioso., 2016, Report Card of Tennessee Infrastructure: Tennessee Dams Infrastructure Condition and Grade Report for ASCE (American society of Civil Engineers, Tennessee Branch). [ Link ]

I. Luffman, A. Nandi, T. Spiegel, 2015, Gully morphology, hillslope erosion, and precipitation characteristics in the Appalachian Valley and Ridge province, Southeastern USA, Catena. Volume 133, Pages 221–232. [ Link ]

J.T. Donaldson, Z. C. Dinkins, F. Levy, and A. Nandi. 2014. Surface-soil Properties of Alder Balds with respect to Grassy and Rhododendron Balds on Roan Mountain, North Carolina–Tennessee. Southeastern Naturalist, Volume 13, Issue 2: 377–395.[ Link ]

A. Nandi, 2013, Weak Rocks as Foundation Materials: Bearing capacity estimation using GSI index and other empirical relationships. Submitted to Transactions of the Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India (MGMI). Vol 108. p 77-88.[ Link ]

A. Nandi, 2012, (Book chapter) A review and comparison of statistical based models used in landslide susceptibility analysis. In the book: Horizons in Earth Science Research, by Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY11788.[ Link ]

K. Nandi, A. Nandi, and T. Litchey, 2012, Effect of Heat Capacity and Physical Behavior on Strength and Durability of Shale, as Building Materials. In Materials and Structures. Springer Netherlands. 10.1617/s11527-012-9850-1.[ Link ]

A. Nandi, and I. Luffman, 2012, Erosion Related Changes to Physicochemical Properties of Ultisols Distributed on Calcareous In. Journal of Sustainable Development. Canadian Center of Science and Education. Vol 5, No 8, p.52-68. [ Link ]

A. Nandi, 2011. Comparative Bearing Capacity analysis of spread footing foundation on fractured granites. In Environmental and Engineering Geoscience. v. 17, issue 3 v. 17, issue 3, p. 281-292. [ Link ]

A. Nandi and R. Conde, 2011. Study of unconfined compressive strength, mineralogy and physical properties of Sevier Shale from eastern Tennessee. In Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science, v. 86, issue 2, p 56-62.[ Link ]

A. Nandi and J. Moore, 2011, Geochemical and geotechnical features of terra rossa in karst areas of Southern Appalachians. In Geotechnical Risk Assessment and Management (GSP 224) Proceedings of the GeoRisk 2011 Conference (American Society of Civil Engineers). doi:10.1061/41183(418)38 [ Link ].

A. Nandi, 2011, Shale disintegration as function of the rock’s thermo-physical behavior. In Mining, Geological & Metrological Institute of India (MGMI), v.36, no.3, p 38-40.

A. Nandi and M. J. Whitelaw, 2010, Effect of Physico-Chemical Factors on Calcareous Shale Weathering, in Environmental and Engineering Geoscience. v. 15; no.4; p 273-285.  [Link]

A. Nandi, and A. Shakoor, 2009, A GIS-based landslide susceptibility evaluation using bivariate and multivariate statistical analyses. In Engineering Geology. V. 110, Issues 1-2, Pages 11-20 doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2009.10.001 [Link]   

A. Nandi, 2009. Quantitative stream profile analysis for Red River and Arkansas River. AWRA Summer Specialty Conference Proceedings, American Water Resource Association Publication, USA. [Link]

A. Nandi, 2009. Articles on Geoengineering, Lithosphere, Minerals and mining, in Encyclopedia of Global Warming, Salem Press (publ. December 2009). Editor: Steven I. Dutch, University of Wisconsin,Green Bay, 1,248 pages.

A. Nandi, C.M. Liutkus, and M.J. Whitelaw, 2009, Geotechnical characterization of Sevier and Rome Shale, East Tennessee. In 43rd US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 4th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium Proceedings, American Rock Mechanics Association Publication, USA.  [Link]

A. Nandi, and A. Shakoor, 2008, Application of logistic regression model for slope instability prediction in Cuyahoga River Watershed, Ohio, USA. In Georisk, Taylor & Francis Publication, v 2; no. 1, pages 16-27. [Link]

A. Nandi, and A. Shakoor, 2007, Quantitative evaluation of landslide susceptibility for four counties of northeast Ohio. In First North American Landslide Conference Proceedings, American Society of Civil Engineers Publication, Colorado, USA [Link]

A. Nandi, and A. Shakoor, 2006, Preparation of a landslide susceptibility map of Summit County, Ohio, using numerical models. International Association of Engineering Geologists: Geological Society Publishing House, UK.[Link]

A. Nandi, and D. Gaffney, 2006, Risk assessment and remediation of landslides along a stream in Southwestern Pennsylvania, AEG (Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists) Program with Abstracts, 49th Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.

A. Nandi, and A. Shakoor, 2006, Landslide susceptibility evaluation of Summit County, Northeast Ohio, using GIS techniques: in Geological Society of America (GSA) Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 4, p. 60, North Central Annual Meeting, Akron, Ohio.

A. Nandi, and A. Shakoor, 2005, Landslide susceptibility assessment based on spatial data analysis techniques: A case study from Northeast Ohio: in GSA Abstracts with programs, v.37, n. 7, p.294, 2005 Annual Meeting, SaltLake City, Utah.

A. Nandi, and A. Shakoor, 2005, Use of numerical models for preparation of a susceptibility map of Summit County, Ohio, AEG Program with Abstracts, 48th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada.

A. Dalqamouni, A. Nandi, and A. Shakoor, 2004, An example of GIS based approach to evaluate landslide susceptibility and hazard potential for a portion of Summit County, northeast Ohio, AEG Program with Abstarcts, 47th Annual Meeting, Dearborn, Michigan.

A. Nandi, I. D. Sasowsky, D. Steer, J.P.Szabo, and L.K. Gross, 2000, Evaluation of the cycloid as a function for describing longitudinal stream profiles: in GSA Abstracts with programs, v.32, n. 7, p. A-24, 2000 Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada.

J. Brown, A. Chanda, R. Dutta., A. Foos, A. Nandi., T. Quick, S. Visocky and S. Walko, 2000, Hydrogeochemistry of springs in the Sharon Sandstone, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. GSA Abstracts with Programs, v 32, no.4, p.A6

A. Nandi, and S. Das, 1997 and 1998 (part one and part two). Report on Sillimanite investigation in Purulia District, India. Directorate of Mines and Minerals, Commerce and Industry Ministry, Govt. of India.