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Courses I Offer
I am the course director for Public Speaking. We piloted a mass lecture-lab format for this course in the Fall of 2009. It ran for three semesters until the faculty decided that it was inconsistent with other values held by the members of the Speech Division. As such, we have reverted back to a series of stand-alone sections. I provide a small amount of unobtrusive oversight to the sections to ensure that there is a certain amount of consistency across the structure of individual sections. I have been consulted by students and campus organizations for my expertise in Public Communication, so am happy to lend my assistance wherever needed.

Though one of my major responsibilities at ETSU is to direct the public speaking course, my area of expertise is interpersonal communication. As such, most of my course offerings are related to interpersonal relationships in some form or fashion. Each semester, I teach Interpersonal Communication. I also periodically teach a special topics course titled The Dark Side of Close Relationships as a Special Topic. Syllabi for my interpersonal courses are available below.

| SPCH 2300-Public Speaking |     | SPCH 3350-Interpersonal Communication |     | Dark Side of Close Relationships |

As part of my participation as a faculty member in the Department of Communication, I offer academic advising to students regarding the fulfillment of the requirements for their major or minor in a Communication emphasis. I also offer academic advising to Communication students with respect to their general education core requirements. I also take particular care to help our transfer students make a smooth transition from their former institutions to ETSU. If you are a transfer student in Speech and need either major advising or transfer GenEd advising come by and see me.

Below you will find a few links to help make decisions about what courses you should think about taking. Note, though, that the documents posted are based on the 2007-2008 catalog year, and if you entered the university before that and you have not made a catalog change, you will need to consult the course catalog from the year you started at ETSU. If you would like to discuss academic advising, or would like to make an appointment for advising, please feel free to contact me.

In addition to general academic advising, I love working with hardworking, driven, dedicated students who wish to pursue their own research. I am available for discussions if you are an Honors scholar in need of a thesis advisor, a McNair Scholar in need of a faculty mentor, a Communication Masters student in need of an advisor, or any student who wishes to pursue your own research questions about human behavior. I offer independent study and directed reading sections to undergraduates who wish to conduct independent research projects for conferences or who wish to obtain hands on experience doing social scientific research. If you wish to inquire about enrolling in an independent study or directed reading section, please feel free to contact me.

| Speech Major Curriculum ('07 and later) | Speech Minor Curriculum ('07 and later) | Link to Course Catalogs |

Student Groups
Students who wish to get involved with communication-related organizations have an abundance of opportunity. There are student organizations in the Public Relations, Advertising, and Broadcast divisions. I have also begun to start the ball rolling in an attempt to get the Student Speech Communication Association reinstated on campus. Regardless of your communication emphasis, the Department of Communication has recently reinstated the campus chapter the National Communication Association's Honors Society. Any student who is majoring in a communication field might be interested to read about the eligibility requirements for induction.

| Lambda Delta Alpha (LDA) - ETSU Chapter of LPH |

| Lambda Pi Eta (LPH) - Comm. National Honor Society |

Resources for Students
Students often have questions about where to find information, how to format correctly in APA, how to get someone to look at a draft of a writing assignment before a due date. Below are some links that I think students might find helpful in their scholarly pursuits.

| The Writing and Communication Center at ETSU |

| Purdue's Online Writing Lab (OWL) |

| APA's Online Guide for Formatting Electronic Sources |

| From the Oatmeal: 10 Commonly Misspelled Words and Trouble with Apostrophes |

| From some smart people on the interwebz: Learn your Damn Homophones (contains explicit language) |