Johnson City, Tennessee

site updated 11/12/2005

About Us

Welcome to InnovativECE

This is a site dedicated to quality early childhood education. Inspired by schools in Reggio Emilia, Italy, the courses, articles, and projects documented on this site reflect principles of an inquiry based constructivist practice where negotiation among teachers and children is prevalent, materials and environment play a prominent role in the facilitation of learning, and children are recognized as rich competent and full of knowledge. In this approach the educator’s role is to facilitate learning as a co-constructor of knowledge, observing, reflecting, and problem solving along with the children. Children are encouraged to express their knowledge, to question, and to problem solve through their interactions with a wide variety of materials and social interactions. Documentation of the learning process is essential as it helps to make the learning visible to teachers, parents, and children.

The site will be updated monthly




Me & Mom

Documentation Page

Teachers share their Reggio-inspired classroom environments

In Reggio inspired practice the "Environment" plays an important role as the young child's Third Teacher. Visit the environments page where you can see the classrooms of Reggio inspired teachers and share the stories of their classroom transformations.
Light Table Documentation
Contact information:
Jane Tingle Broderick
Pam Evanshen