Bridgeport Heidenhain CNC Mill
Programming & Operating Instructions
Chapter 2
Manual Operations
Powering Up the System
When the machine has had the power shut off, it is necessary to perform the
following steps to allow the controller to run its diagnostic tests and to locate the
limits of the axes. Note: it is important to shut down the system overnight to avoid
burning the phosphors on the CRT screen.
- Turn on the power switch located on the power panel located on the right hand side of
the mill. A memory test is automatically performed and the CRT display
- Rotate the brightness and contrast knobs on each side of the controller monitor to their
midpoint positions.
- If the display is in German (i.e., SPEICHER-TEST), then the battery back-up has failed. Before continuing with the power on procedures, you will need to reload the controller's parameters. Click here for step-by-step instructions for accomplishing this task by uploading the parameters automatically.
- Press the Cancel Entry
key on the
console. The CE button is located in the lower left hand corner of the numeric keypad.
- Press the yellow POWER ENABLE button located at the upper left hand corner of the
- Set the feed override dial at 100% and press the green CYCLE START button four (4) times
to overcome the "PASS OVER REFERENCE MARK" for each axis highlighted.
- The machine is now ready for use as an ordinary milling machine in both the manual mode
and the handwheel mode

Spindle Motion
The spindle is controlled by two switches in series which must be simultaneously
actuated. Both switches are located on the front of the mill above and to
the left of the spindle.
The procedure to turn on the spindle is as follows:
- Press and hold the green "SPINDLE ENABLE" button.
- The handle-actuated spindle on/off switch, which has two positions (high range and low
range) that must correspond to the high range/low range setting
of the speed range selector handle on the right side of the head. Mixing the
positions up results in the spindle going in reverse.
- Once the motor has started, release both the spindle enable button and the switch handle
button. The on/off switch has a spring-loaded start position and will automatically
rotate to the run position

Joy Stick Mode
- Press the MANUAL mode
key or
the HAND WHEEL mode key on
the console. The joy sticks are now active for jogging the axes.
- Press down on the joy stick's tip and move the joy stick in the desired direction.

Manual Data Input Positioning Mode
This mode of operation is used primarily to move an axis (for example, to the origin)
or to retract the quill.
- Press the Manual Data Input (MDI)
key on the console.
- To retract the quill, key in M25 and press the EOB
- To move an axis (for example to the X-origin), key in G90 G07 X0 (or
other single-axis command) F5555 and press the EOB
- To move an axis at feedrate key in G07 (single axis) or G01
(multi-axis) G90 Y0 (or other axis data) F2-- (=20.0
ipm) or other feedrate.
- Press the green CYCLE START button.

Handwheel Mode
Press the HANDWHEEL key on
the console to move the axis that is highlighted on the CRT. Change highlighted axis by
pressing the desired axis key and the ENT (enter) key.
In this mode the CRT will display "INTERPOLATION FACTOR:n" where
"n" is a numeral that can range from 2 to 10. This number concerns how far the
axis will travel per turn of the handwheel. The approximate relationships are:
Factor |
Distance/Revolution |
[in.] |
[mm.] |
2 |
0 .197 |
5.0 |
3 |
0.098 |
2.5 |
4 |
0.049 |
1.25 |
5 |
0.025 |
0.625 |
6 |
0.012 |
0.3125 |
7 |
0.006 |
0.156 |
8 |
0.003 |
0.078 |
9 |
0.0015 |
0.039 |
10 |
0.0008 |
0.020 |

Establishing the X-Y-Z Origin at the Desired Location
- Position the spindle axis over the desired origin location.
- Zero out the X and Y axis counters by pressing X 0
and Y 0 
- Retract the quill using the Z-axis joy stick. If the Z-axis counter does not read zero,
then press Z 0