InnovativECE Practice: Exploring the Essence of Reggio

Level 3: Online

Focusing on understanding and facilitating the "Concept" development in young children's learning

check pre-requisites for starting at Level 3

Documentation Online
With individual conferencing

Students will meet with instructor via online listserv or interactive web page weekly over the course of 13 weeks.
Students will work in groups of three creating documentation panels. Each participant will submit documentation for the purpose of developing a panel with his/her group during a 3-week interval. The student submitting the material will be the panel facilitator during that three-week period. Each week the documentation submitted by the panel facilitator will be discussed and evaluated for the developing of next steps - emergent curriculum extensions. Our interactive online dialogue will guide students towards uncovering the “concepts” underlying the behavior of children at play.


Reading and Reflective Responses: The readings are articles that focus on constructivist theory and practice, and research on children's concepts in various domains. Students will be asked to research articles on children's concepts. Students will submit reflective responses to the readings within bulletinboard threads particular to each article. This provides an interactive dialogue where students and facilitator support one another’s learning experience.

Documentaion: Completed documentation in the form of an online panel. Each person will work together to successfully complete 3 collaborative online panels during the 13-week course.

Discussion: Students will be required to participate in the online dialogue with reflective, analytic responses to the submitted material. The instructor will facilitate each team’s weekly Documentation Panel discussions. Students will log on at least two times weekly for team discussions and once weekly for reading discussion. Of course students are welcome to log on to participate more in each area.


Conferencing: I will be available to schedule timed conferences with individual students each week during my conference hours. Conference hours will be posted for each course.

Students technology needs:

  • Email access & access to the web
  • Ability to read graphic attachments (JPEG or Tiff files)


Contact information about courses:
Jane Tingle Broderick
Contact at the Brattleboro Center:
Tom Yahn

Contact for registration:

please include your work/home address in your email and you will be sent a registration form!

Home Page
Jane Tingle Broderick

InnovativECE: Exploring the Essence of Reggio Inspired Practice

4 Course Overview & Contacts

InnovativECE is happy to provide courses through as they offer effective threaded discussion formats with excellent service. The technical support we receive from is always fast, generally within a half hour whether by phone or email. Click the button below if you are interested in setting up your own board.

set up your own bulletin board

Brattleboro Center Courses

Level 1: Brattleboro Center

Level 2: Brattleboro Center

Level 4: Brattleboro Center

Online Courses

Level 1: Online

Level 2: Online

Level 4: Online