Vermont College
of the
Union Institute Series

InnovativECE Practice:
Exploring the Essence of Reggio

Four Course, 4 credit series

Anna's Bunny (3.5 yrs)

In this four course, four semester sequence students will learn the principles of a Reggio inspired practice where children are perceived as rich, competent, and full of knowledge. Students will: 1) explore materials; 2) develop expertise with observation and documentation through experiential seminars and a full semester of online dialogue focusing on students’ documentation; 3) learn to understand and translate the developing concepts of children into learning extensions; 4) complete a final product reflecting current research that will impact Early Childhood research and/or practice.
Taken as a series this sequence of courses is designed to provide students the skills needed to obtain a teaching position within a Reggio inspired program, to facilitate the documentation of learning at a high level in order to flexibly construct new directions for learning and early childhood research. Students are welcome to enroll in individual classes, or to enter at the level suited to their particular experience. Please note the prerequisites for each course.


Anna (3.5 yrs) - Drawing an Elephant

Background information on the courses


Four course series

  • 3 graduate credits per course
  • 12 credits for entire series
  • Undergraduates with an in-depth understanding of child development and learning theory will be admitted into the program
  • Direct admission to higher than Level 1 – Prerequisites:
    • Reveal a working knowledge of the foundations of Reggio practice.
    • Have initial experience with documentation practice.
    • Contact me to discuss this. (Submission of documentation and/or written statement of your philosophy of education that includes reflections on your practice may be required).

Series includes:

Follow the links for details about each course.

  • Level 1: Introduction to Reggio inspired practice
    • Brattleboro Center Option
    • Online Option
  • Level 2: Observation, Documentation, and Curriculum Design
    • Brattleboro Center Option
    • Online Option
  • Level 3: Documentation Online With individual conferencing
    • Brattleboro Center Option
    • Online Option
  • Level 4: Individualized Research Program
    • Brattleboro Center Option
    • Online Option




Choose the Brattleboro Center Option or the Online Option

Brattleboro Center courses: full semester courses beginning with a 5-day seminar. Students journal and complete reading & project assignments independently during the remainder of the semester. They also conference with the facilitator during the semester online or by phone. Listserv conferencing is established among participants.

Online courses: 13 week courses completed online from your location. Online class sizes will be limited to 25 students. My goal is to develop the series so that there are rolling enrollments that can satisfy the needs of diverse groups who may want different start dates.

Note: Level 3 is a 14 week course (not 13 weeks) - though the cost remains the same.

243.50 per credit = $730 per course
$2920 for the entire series of 4 courses

Note: These feels reflect the Union Institute & University's new rates for 2003.

  • Direct admission to higher than Level 1 – Prerequisites:
    • Reveal a working knowledge of the foundations of Reggio practice.
    • Have initial experience with documentation practice.
    • Contact me to discuss this. (Submission of documentation and/or written statement of your philosophy of education that includes reflections on your practice may be required).


Contact information about courses:
Jane Tingle Broderick
Contact at the Brattleboro Center:
Tom Yahn

Contact for registration:

please include your work/home address in your email and you will be sent a registration form!

Calendar Dates:

Please Note: The online courses are designed to have a rolling enrollment. This means that with a minimum enrollment of 3 or a maximum enrollment of 25 a group can begin a course at any point in the year. The one requirement is that there will need to be at least 3 weeks advance notice for administrative work to take place at TUI.

Visit the calendar page for dates of upcoming courses and workshops.

Home Page
Jane Tingle Broderick
Brattleboro Center Courses

Level 1: Brattleboro Center

Level 2: Brattleboro Center

Level 3: Online

Level 4: Brattleboro Center

Anna (3.5 yrs) - Drawing Horses

InnovativECE is happy to provide courses through as they offer effective threaded discussion formats with excellent service. The technical support we receive from is always fast, generally within a half hour whether by phone or email. Click the button below if you are interested in setting up your own board.

set up your own bulletin board

Online Courses
Level 1: Online

Level 2: Online

Level 3: Online

Level 4: Online