Intermediate Probability Theory - Class Notes
From An Intermediate Course in Probability 2nd Edition, by Allan Gut (Springer, 2009)
Gut's An Intermediate Course in Probability book, 2nd edition

Intermediate Probability is not a formal ETSU class (not yet, at least). This would be a cross-listed 4000/5000 level class with potential catalog description: "Provides an intermediate course in probability theory beyond the introductory level. No knowledge of measure theory is assumed. Topics include multivariate random variables, conditional distributions and expectation, regression, transforms, order statistics, multivariate normal distributions, convergence concepts, and Poisson processes." Prerequisites are Linear Algebra (MATH 2010) and Foundations of Probability and Statistics-Calculus Based (MATH 2050). Good companion classes to Intermediate Probability Theory are Mathematical Statistics 1 (STAT 4047/5057) and Mathematical Statistics 2 (STAT 4057/5057). The main body of this course is Chapters 1 through 7 of the text.

Copies of the classnotes are on the internet in PDF format as given below. The "Proofs of Theorems" files were prepared in Beamer. The "Printout of Proofs" are printable PDF files of the Beamer slides without the pauses. These notes have not been classroom tested and may have typographical errors.


1. Multivariate Random Variables.

2. Conditioning.

3. Transforms.

4. Ordering Statistics.

5. The Multivariate Normal Distribution.

6. Convergence.

7. An Outlook on Further Topics.

8. The Poisson Process.


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