Henri Lebesgue, 1875-1941 |
Stefan Banach, 1892-1945 |
David Hilbert, 1862-1943 |
Felix Hausdorff, 1868-1942 |
COURSE: MATH 5220-001
TIME: 2:15-3:35 TR, PLACE: Room 327 Rogers-Stout Hall
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Robert Gardner, OFFICE: Room 308F of Gilbreath Hall
OFFICE HOURS: 11:15-12:00 TR PHONE: 439-6979 (Math Office 439-4349)
E-MAIL: gardnerr@etsu.edu
WEBPAGE: http://faculty.etsu.edu/gardnerr/gardner.htm
TEXT: Real Analysis, Fourth Edition, by H.L. Royden and P.M. Fitzpatrick, Prentice Hall (2010). We will use James R. Munkres' Topology, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall (2000) as a supplemental text.
ABOUT THE COURSE: We will build on the results of Real Analysis 1. We will cover, to some extent, Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces, though these are topics more appropriately covered in a functional analysis class (which will be offered during summer 2015). We will look at topological spaces. Time permitting, I want to cover some of the topics on general measure and integration such as signed measures, product measures, and the Fubini-Tonelli results. The fourth edition of Real Analysis states on page x that "The general theory of measure and integration was born in the early twentieth century. It is now an indispensable ingredient in remarkably diverse areas of mathematics, including probability theory, partial differential equation, functional analysis, harmonic analysis, and dynamical systems. Indeed, it has become a unifying concept."
ONLINE NOTES: Online notes in PDF form are available for each section we cover. The notes will include definitions, some motivational comments, and statements of lemmas, theorems, and corollaries. The notes can be found at:
GRADING: Homework will be assigned on a regular basis (weekly) and your grade on the homework will determine your grade for the course. Grades will be assigned based on a 10 point scale with "plus" and "minus" grades being assigned as appropriate.
A NOTE ABOUT HOMEWORK: While I suspect that you may work with each other on the homework problems (in fact, I encourage you to), I expect that the work you turn in is your own and that you understand it. If I get homework from two (or more) of you that is virtually identical, then neither of you will get any credit. Some of the homework problems are fairly standard for this class, and you may find proofs online. However, the online proofs may not be done with the notation, definitions, and specific methods which we are developing and, therefore, are not acceptable for this class. You are expected to give all details and document all claims on the homework!!!
We will cover topics from this list:
Chapter 5: Lebesgue Integration: Further Topics.
General Vitali Convergence Theorem, convergence in measure, characterizations of Riemann and Lebesgue integrability.
Chapter 6: Differentiation and Integration (partial).
Vitali Covering Theorem, bounded variation, absolute continuity, differentiation and integration, convex functions, Jensen's Inequality.
Chapter 7: The Lp Spaces: Completeness and Approximation.
Lp spaces, Minkowski and Holder Inequalities, convergence and
completeness, Banach spaces, Riesz-Fischer Theorem, approximation, and separability.
Chapter 8: The Lp Spaces: Duality and Weak Convergence.
Bounded linear functionals, Riesz Representation Theorem, dual spaces, weak convergence.
Chapters 11 and 12: Topological Spaces.
Open/closed, continuous, bases, separation axioms, connectedness, compactness, product topology.
Chapter 9 of Munkres Topology: The Fundamental Group (partial).
Homotopy of paths, covering spaces, the fundamental group of Sn, the fundamental group of some surfaces.
Chapters 17 and 18: General Measure.
Signed measure, Caratheodory measure, outer measures, Caratheodory-Hahn Theorem.
Chapter 20: Particular Measures (partial).
Product measures, multiple integrals, theorems of Fubini and Tonelli.
IMPORTANT DATES: (see http://www.etsu.edu/etsu/academicdates.aspx for the official ETSU calendar; accessed 11/9/2014):
Functional Analysis: The department will offer "Introduction to Functional Analysis" (MATH 5740) during summer term 1, 2015. Dr. Bob will teach the class and we will cover linear operators, Banach spaces in more detail, Hilbert spaces in much more detail, linear operators, the Hahn-Banach Theorem, duality, and the spectrum of an operator. Details are online at: http://faculty.etsu.edu/gardnerr/Func/sillsummer15.htm.
11.2 The Separation Properties |
11.A PDF, LaTeX |
11.4 Continuous Mappings Between Topological Spaces |
11.36 PDF, LaTeX |
11.6 Connected Topological Spaces |
11.47, 11.48 PDF, LaTeX |
Munkres 51. Homotopy of Paths |
1, 3(a) PDF, LaTeX |
Munkres 53. Covering Spaces |
5 PDF, LaTeX |
Munkres 55. Retractions and Fixed Points |
15 PDF, LaTeX |
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Last updated: April 29, 2015.