Real Analysis Class Notes
Real Analysis, 4th Edition, H. L. Royden and P.M. Fitzpatrick.
Copies of the classnotes are on the internet in PDF format as given below. The "Proofs of Theorems" files were prepared in Beamer. The "Printout of Proofs" are printable PDF files of the Beamer slides without the pauses.
I. Lebesgue Integration for Functions of a Single Variable.
Background and Motivation.
1. The Real Numbers: Sets, Sequences, and Functions.
2. Lebesgue Measure.
3. Lebesgue Measurable Functions.
4. Lebesgue Integration.
5. Lebesgue Integration: Further Topics.
6. Differentiation and Integration.
7. The Lp Spaces: Completeness and Approximation.
8. The Lp Spaces: Duality and Weak Convergence.
Chapter 5. Vector Spaces, Hilbert Spaces, and the L2 Space.
- 5.1. Groups, Fields, and Vector Spaces (Section 5.1 from Real Analysis with an Introduction to Wavelets and Applications - There is a detailed discussion of Hamel and Schauder bases). Section 5.1 notes (Includes a proof that every vector space has a Hamel basis and that any two Hamel bases for a given vector space have the same cardinality.)
- 5.2. Inner Product Spaces (Section 5.2 from Real Analysis with an Introduction to Wavelets and Applications). Section 5.2 notes
- 5.3. The Space L2 (Section 5.3 from Real Analysis with an Introduction to Wavelets and Applications). Section 5.3 notes
- 5.4. Projections and Hilbert Space Isomorphisms (Section 5.4 from Real Analysis with an Introduction to Wavelets and Applications). Section 5.4 notes (Includes an example of a closed and bounded set that is not compact.)
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