Copies of the classnotes are on the internet in PDF format as given below.
III. Rings.
IV. Modules. Chapter IV Introduction notes
- Section IV.1. Modules, Homomorphisms, and Exact Sequences. Section IV.1 notes (Includes a statement of the Snake Lemma; see Note IV.1.J.)
- Supplement. A Proof of the Snake Lemma. Snake Lemma notes
- Section IV.2. Free Modules and Vector Spaces. Section IV.2 notes (This section includes a proof that there is no field strictly between ℝ and ℂ; see Note IV.2.K.)
- Section IV.3. Projective and Injective Modules. Section IV.3 notes
- Section IV.4. Hom and Duality.
- Section IV.5. Tensor Products.
- Section IV.6. Modules over a Principal Ideal Domain (partial). Section IV.6 notes
- Section IV.7. Algebras. Section IV.7 notes
- Study Guide IV.
VIII. Commutative Rings and Modules.
- Section VIII.1. Chain Conditions. Section VII.1 notes
- Section VIII.2. Prime and Primary Ideals.
- Section VIII.3. Primary Decompositions.
- Section VIII.4. Noetherian Rings and Modules.
- Section VIII.5. Ring Extensions.
- Section VIII.6. Dedekind Domains.
- Section VIII.7. The Hilbert Nullstellensatz.
- Study Guide VIII.
IX. The Structure of Rings.
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