Copies of the classnotes are on the internet in PDF format as given below. The "Proofs of Theorems" files were prepared in Beamer. The "Printout of Proofs" are printable PDF files of the Beamer slides without the pauses.
Videos for these sections are online at the Online Modern Algebra: Groups webpage.
0. Introduction: Prerequisites and Preliminaries.
- Sections 0.1-0.6. Logic, Sets and Classes, Functions, Relations and Partitions, Products, Integers. Sections 0.1 to 0.6 notes
- Section 0.7. The Axiom of Choice, Order, and Zorn's Lemma. Section 0.7 notes (Contains results implied by the Axiom of Choice.)
- Section 0.8. Cardinal Numbers. Section 0.8 notes (Contains a statement of the ZFC Axioms of set theory.)
I. Groups. Chapter I Introduction notes
- Section I.1. Semigroups, Monoids, and Groups. Section I.1 notes
- Section I.2. Homomorphisms and Subgroups. Section I.2 notes
- Section I.3. Cyclic Groups. Section I.3 notes
- Section I.4. Cosets and Counting. Section I.4 notes
- Section I.5. Normality, Quotient Groups, and Homomorphisms. Section I.5 notes
- Section I.6. Symmetric, Alternating, and Dihedral Groups. Section I.6 notes (Contains a proof that a permutation cannot be both even and odd.)
- Section I.7. Categories: Products, Coproducts, and Free Objects. Section I.7 notes
- Section I.8. Direct Products and Direct Sums. Section I.8 notes
- Section I.9. Free Groups, Free Products, Generators & Relations. Section I.9 notes
- Study Guide for Chapter I
II. The Structure of Groups.
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