Theory of Matrices Class Notes
Matrix Algebra: Theory, Computations, and Applications in Statistics, by James E. Gentle, Springer (2007, 2017).
Gentle's Matrix Algebra book         Gentle's Matrix Algebra book, 2nd edition

The catalog description of Theory of Matrices (MATH 5090) is very brief: "Vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, and inner product spaces." In light of our department's name, "The Department of Mathematics and Statistics," this class will try to branch these two areas. This is why we use a textbook in the "Springer Texts in Statistics" series. The class covers the first 5 chapters of the textbook, Matrix Algebra: Theory, Computations, and Applications in Statistics, which is the "Theory" part of the book (Chapters 6 and 7 are in the "Linear Algebra" part of the book, but actually address more computational material). The author of the text states (see page viii) "...the presentation is informal; neither definitions nor facts are highlighted by words as 'Definition', 'Theorem', 'Lemma', and so forth. ... Most of the facts have simple proofs, and most proofs are given naturally in the text. No 'Proof' and 'Q.E.D.' or '■' appear to indicate beginning and end." We will follow a different approach and will be introducing exactly the definition/theorem/proof approach in these class notes. Results contained in Gentle's book are numbered as chapter.section.number (such as "Theorem 3.2.1") and labeled results from other sources are numbered by the chapter, section, and a letter (such as "Theorem 3.2.A"). Most of the notes are based on the first (2007) edition of the text book. The notes based on the second (2017) edition of the book are marked below with an asterisk. We will not take as much of a theoretical approach as I do in my other graduate-level classes. For example, we will deal with matrices with real entries and not deal with the entries as elements of a field nor with the more abstract algebra properties of matrices. A more abstract approach to linear algebra can be found in the online notes for Linear Algebra (Graduate Level), based on Thomas Hungerford's Algebra (Springer-Verlag, 1974).

Copies of the classnotes are on the internet in PDF format as given below. The "Proofs of Theorems" files were prepared in Beamer and they contain proofs of results which are particularly lengthy (shorter proofs are contained in the notes themselves). The "Printout of Proofs" are printable PDF files of the Beamer slides without the pauses.

  1. Chapter 1. Basic Vector/Matrix Structure and Notation.
  2. Chapter 2. Vectors and Vector Spaces.
  3. Chapter 3. Basic Properties of Matrices.
  4. Chapter 4. Vector/Matrix Derivatives and Integrals.
  5. Chapter 5. Matrix Transformations and Factorizations.
  6. Chapter 6. Solution of Linear Systems.
  7. Chapter 7. Evaluation of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.
  8. Chapter 8. Special Matrices and Operations Useful in Modeling.
  9. Chapter 9. Selected Applications in Statistics.
  10. Chapter 10. Numerical Methods.
  11. Chapter 11. Numerical Linear Algebra.
  12. Chapter 12. Software for Numerical Linear Algebra.
  13. Appendix A. Notation and Definitions.
  14. Appendix B. Solutions and Hints for Selcted Exercises.

Part I. Linear Algebra

Chapter 1. Basic Vector/Matrix Structure and Notation. Chapter 1 notes

Chapter 2. Vectors and Vector Spaces.

Chapter 3. Basic Properties of Matrices.

Chapter 4. Vector/Matrix Derivatives and Integrals.

Chapter 5. Matrix Transformations and Factorizations.

Chapter 6. Solution of Linear Systems.

Chapter 7. Evaluation of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.

Part II. Applications to Data Analysis

Chapter 8. Special Matrices and Operations Useful in Modeling and Data Analytics.

Chapter 9. Selected Applications in Statistics.

Part III. Numerical Methods and Software

Chapter 10. Numerical Methods.

Chapter 11. Numerical Linear Algebra.

Chapter 12. Software for Numerical Linear Algebra.


Appendix A. Notation and Definitions.

Appendix B. Solutions and Hints for Selected Exercises.

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